Geothermal renewable energy draws upon the Earth’s consistent temperature. Even though the average Louisville air temperature ranges from about 25 ̊ to 90 ̊ throughout the year, the Earth’s temperature just four to six feet below the surface remains somewhat constant at 50 ̊– 60 ̊. This is because approximately 47% of the sun’s energy (heat) is absorbed by the ground as it hits the Earth’s surface. Geothermal systems heat and cool your home by tapping into this free, renewable energy with an earth loop.
If your geothermal system is behaving strangely, it may be time to have an expert look at the unit. When your geothermal system needs a repair, Jarboe’s Heating, Cooling & Plumbing has experienced technicians available 24/7 to diagnose the problem and offer you options that are in your best interest. Our technician will explain the options so you can make an informed decision.
When your Geothermal system is maintained by a professional technician, you are protecting one of your largest home investments. Not only will you keep your equipment warranties valid, you can save money in several ways such as preventing breakdowns or preventing the need to replace your unit sooner than expected.
Every so often, repair or maintenance services can end up being more expensive than upgrading to one of today’s newer systems. Our team will help you make an informed decision on whether you should repair or replace your existing geothermal system. We make sure to balance various factors, including total cost, return on the investment, and time necessary to complete the process. In Louisville, you can count on Jarboe’s Heating, Cooling & Plumbing for all of your heating and cooling needs. Just give us a call and we will take care of the rest!
Geothermal energy is a rapidly growing industry that is available to more homes than ever before. One of the reasons that an increasing number of homeowners are opting for geothermal systems – aside from their advantages in reliability, longevity, and energy efficiency – is that the variety of different geothermal loop systems that professionals can install means even homes with limited land can take advantage of geothermal energy.
There are five different loop systems for geothermal:
How do you know which geothermal loop is best for heating and cooling your home? Our Comfort Consultant will survey your property to determine the geothermal loop installation that will deliver the most benefits and highest performance.
Higher efficiency means lower cost. Geothermal energy is up to 500% efficient. In other words, when you use one unit of electricity, you get up to five units back to condition the air in your home. That means that it takes less energy to keep you comfortable which saves you money. Plus, it can heat your water during the summer without additional energy usage. Since heating and cooling your home accounts for about 50% of your utility bills and water heating is another 14%, you can save big. Geothermal systems are so energy efficient that you may get your investment back in savings in as little as 5-10 years, depending upon the efficiency of the system you are replacing.
Not only is it energy efficient, but it has a longer life as well. The lifespan of a geothermal system is typically over 20 years as compared to 10 to 12 years for a traditional heating and cooling system. While a geothermal system may be up to twice the investment of a high-efficiency traditional system, you may still come out on top over time considering the 30% geothermal tax credit (available through 2019), utility rebates, and the fact that you may have to purchase two traditional systems to cover the same lifespan of a geothermal system. Geothermal is an investment that pays for itself over time.
Max is an important part of our team. He is more than just a cartoon character. Max represents our commitment to quality work, craftsmanship, pride, and our passion to serve our clients and community. We celebrate this mentality through Max because these are the values that drive us to be the area’s most complete and comprehensive home service company. So, now when you see Max, you’ll know the story behind the man with the mustache!